

Email Notifications for Google Forms

With Google Forms notifications, you can send automatic email notifications to one or more recipients as soon as the respondent submits your Google Form.

How to get email notifications for new responses in Google Forms?

Open your form in Google Forms > Click Responses > Click More ⋮ icon > Enable Get email notifications for new responses.

How do I control email notifications for a Google Form in a Shared ...

Once installed, the Add-on can be accessed by going to the Add-ons menu in the top right of Forms, then going to Form Notifications > Open.

View & manage form responses

Open a form in Google Forms. At the top of the form, click Responses. Click More More . Click Get email notifications for new responses.

Google Forms Email Notifications by Lido

評分 5.0 (4) · Automatically send Google Forms™ email notifications when a form respondent submits a form response in Google Forms™!

Email Notifications for Google Forms

評分 4.0 (2,128) With Email Notifications for Google Forms™, you can automatically send email messages every time a respondent submits your form.

自己的Google表單Email Notifications自己設計

教學說明. Step 1 : 首先,在已建立好的表單內點擊“外掛程式,如圖1。 圖 1. Step 2 : 在Email Notifications for Forms下點擊 “Enable Notifications 來 ...

How to trigger Google Forms email notifications

Head over to your form and click the add-ons icon (the puzzle piece). Click Email Notification for Forms and then click Open App.

Google Forms Email Notifications 自動寄送客製化報名確認郵件

當你用Google 表單設計了一份活動報名表或是線上問卷,希望填寫完畢後,可以寄送一封確認郵件給對方,讓對方知道報名成功,或是提供需要的額外資訊。

Google Form Notifications - Automate Email Alerts based ...

19:58 Go to channel Send Confirmation email in Google Forms | Form Notification Addon Kewal Kishan - Automate Business